Mission Statement

“The Officers of William Parkman Lodge will enthusiastically perform their required duties and assist other Officers and Members with their respective efforts.  The entire Lodge will consistently work toward ultimately earning the Grand Master’s Award.  New Brothers will be encouraged to earn the Rookie Award and to engage themselves into the Lodge’s various activities, while veteran Brothers will be encouraged to renew/enhance their involvement with the Lodge.  All Brothers will continually contemplate potential “good men” who would be positive additions to our Fraternity and, in the process, strive to achieve the Grand Master’s edict to “replace yourself.”  Service to our community will be plentiful and will prove rewarding for both the Brothers and non-Masons alike.”

Vision Statement

“For William Parkman Lodge to be the most vibrant and successful Lodge in the 13th Masonic District – thereby providing future Masters and other Officers with a solid base from which to grow both the Lodge and Masonry in general, as well as creating an appreciation for the Craft across Winchester, Burlington, Woburn, & other surrounding communities.”

Current Officers of William Parkman Lodge (2022-2023)